How To Fix Wireless Adapter Missing In Windows 10 | Get WiFi Adapter Back

How To Fix Wireless Adapter Missing In Windows 10 | Get WiFi Adapter Back

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If the Wireless adapter missing in Windows 10 or suddenly disappeared then you can fix the problem easily. There may be multiple reasons behind the missing WiFi network adapter in Windows 10. A windows update, malware, conflicting apps, or third-party firewalls may cause this problem.

Here are some methods to get back the WiFi adaptor-

1. Re-Enable the network adapter.
2. Run network troubleshooter.
3. Enable WWAN Autoconfig, WLAN Autoconfig, and other network services.
4. Fix network socket API errors and WAN miniports.
5. Network Reset.
6. System Restore.
7. Reinstall the WiFi driver.

Commands in Method 4-
netsh winsock reset
netcfg – d

These methods should help to fix the missing wifi adapter problem.
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