How to Fix Windows 10 Error Code 0xc0000005

How to Fix Windows 10 Error Code 0xc0000005

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How to Fix Windows 10 Error Code 0xc0000005

Error Code 0xc0000005 can be a frustrating error that occurs when you attempt to use programs within Windows 10.

Error Causes
The most common causes of Error Code 0xc0000005 include interference with other programs that are running on the computer, such as:
– Antivirus programs,
– Problems encountered within the registry entries made on the operating system,
– Or faulty drivers that cause bad interactions between the system and the program in question.

Common symptoms include:
Inability to run programs as designed
Inability to start programs

Method One: Disable Any Anti-Virus Processes

In some cases, an antivirus program can cause interference with your programs. If you believe that this is the primary culprit of your issue, try temporarily disabling the software that you are running to see if you are then able to use the program that experienced the error correctly.

Always be sure to keep on other security software, such as Windows Defender, while you disable your antivirus programs, ensuring that your computer is still protected from malicious software. In general, this is usually the best security tool that you can run on your computer, without interfering with other programs.

Method Two: Run a Registry Cleaner

In some cases, the error code can appear when a registry entry is either seen to be missing or faulty by the system. If you believe this is the primary cause of your problem, use a trusted registry cleaning software to scan the files and attempt to automatically fix the problem.

Always be sure to check out the provider of the registry cleaning tool that you use, as not every tool that you can download from the Internet is safe. When possible, always try to use registry tools that are directly available from the Microsoft website, rather than ones that you do a simple search for online.

Once the registry scan is complete, take the time to reboot your computer to ensure that every change that has been made can be recognized and applied by your operating system and devices.

Method Three: Check Your Drivers

If your drivers aren’t communicating properly with your hardware, it can cause the error code to appear. To fix this, open up your device manager software and choose to update your driver software. You can run an automatic search for updates to your drivers to make things easier.

When the driver updates have been downloaded and installed, make sure that you take the time to reboot your computer, which can allow your computer to apply and recognize any changes that have been made.

Method Four: Use an Automated Tool
If the three methods will not fix error 0x80070070, then you might want to consider downloading and installing a powerful automated tool called Total System Care.

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