How To Fix: Wifi Error “No Internet, Secured” Windows 10 & 11 | WIFI No Internet Secured Error Fixed

How To Fix: Wifi Error “No Internet, Secured” Windows 10 & 11 | WIFI No Internet Secured Error Fixed

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Hi friends, This video tutorial is about /”How To Fix: Wifi Error /”No Internet, Secured/” Windows 10 & 11 | WIFI No Internet Secured Error Fixed/”.

If you are facing problem like no internet, secured error then do watch my this simple tutorial in which I will share 6 easy and working ways through which you can fix wifi error no internet secured on windows 10 & 11 pc or laptop.

Fix#2: Flush DNS Cache
ipconfig /flushdns

Fix#4: Renew IP Address.
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

Fix#6: Reset Windows Catalog.
netsh winsock reset catalog

#howto #wifi #nointernetsecured #fixed #windows10 #windows11 #pc #laptop #fixnointernet

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