How To Fix Time Not Syncing Time Synchronization Failed in Windows 11

How To Fix Time Not Syncing Time Synchronization Failed in Windows 11

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Channel Avatar Edmund Mindaros2025-02-06 16:14:37 Thumbnail
How To Fix Time Not Syncing Time Synchronization Failed in Windows 11

Time synchronization failed on Windows is crucial for various system processes, security protocols, and applications on your Windows PC. Having the correct time and date set on your computer is crucial for the smooth operation of apps and system functions. Incorrect time settings can lead to unexpected behavior in applications and may disrupt essential OS features. Additionally, it can result in files having inaccurate timestamps or degraded information due to time desynchronization.

Restart the Windows Time Service:
1. Press Win + R to open the Run dialog box. Type services.msc and press Enter to open the Services window.
2. In the Services window, scroll down and locate Windows Time. Double-click on it to open its properties.
3. In the properties window, ensure that the Startup type is set to Automatic. If it’s not running, click on the Start button. Then, click Apply and OK to save the changes.

Use a Different Time Server:
1. Open Settings by pressing Win + I. Click on Time & language from the left sidebar.
2. Select Date & time on the right pane.
3. Scroll down and click on Additional clocks to open the Date and Time settings.
4. In the Date and Time window, go to the Internet Time tab and click on Change settings.
5. In the Internet Time Settings window, select from the Server dropdown menu. Click on Update now to synchronize, then click OK.

Issues Addressed In This Tutorial:
time synchronization failed. please check network connectivity and retry
sync time not working windows 10
teams time not syncing windows 11
time clock not syncing windows 10
why time synchronization failed in windows 11
computer time not syncing
time not syncing – time synchronization failed
time not syncing with
time not syncing to domain controller
time not synchronizing windows 10

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