How to fix NETFLIX Not Working on Google Chrome 2018 | Common Netflix Problems & Fixes

How to fix NETFLIX Not Working on Google Chrome 2018 | Common Netflix Problems & Fixes

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Channel Avatar FIX NETFLIX2018-08-25 18:41:44 Thumbnail
Today we discuss 10 common Netflix Chrome errors and how to fix them.
like last night when I was watching Agent Coulson save the world and I got an error code that said: Your Netflix days are over! (not exactly that but you know what I mean). I think my heart stopped beating for a few moments. Let’s begin to solved Netflix not working on chorme.

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► NETFLEX Problems:
1. Netflix Error M7702-1003 (#Netflixerror)
2. Google chrome components not updating/netflix not working
3. Netflix not working. Missing WidevineCdm
4. Netflix will not play, and gave me the Widevine error message.
5. My chrome has no WidevineCdm under the chrome://components and it doesn’t appear to be in the user data

———————————————————————————————————– ►10 Way to Solve Netflix not working in Google Chrome
1. Use the latest version of Chrome.
2. Allows protected content.
3. Update the Widevine Content.
4. Clearing cache and cookies.
5. Using Incognito Mode.
6. Uncheck Use hardware acceleration.
7. Re-setting the Chrome browser.
8. Inform to your anti-virus software manufacturer.

9. Creating a new user profile. Please watch this video….

10. Use Google Chrome Canary. Watch this video..
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