How To Fix Microsoft OneDrive Not Syncing in Windows 10 [2 Methods]

How To Fix Microsoft OneDrive Not Syncing in Windows 10 [2 Methods]

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Channel Avatar itech tips2020-11-17 03:43:56 Thumbnail
To Fix Microsoft OneDrive Not Syncing in Windows 10 try one of these two methods:
Method 1:
Right click on the OneDrive icon in the taskbar. Then click “Help & Settings”. Then click “Close OneDrive”. In the confirmation dialogue box also click “Close OneDrive”. Then restart your computer. After restarting your problem will be solved.

Method 2:
Open the “Run” command box then paste there the following Command:
%localappdata%//Microsoft//OneDrive//onedrive.exe /reset
Now click “OK”. If your system shows an error message, then remove the previous command and paste there the following command:
C://Program Files (x86)//Microsoft OneDrive//onedrive.exe /reset
Then Click “OK”.
Wait for some seconds and now search for “OneDrive” in Cortana search box and open the first result. By this way too the syncing problem will be fixed.
I hope this video will help you..! Please let us know which of these two methods worked with you and tell us if you know another fix for this one in the comment box. If this video benefited, don’t forget to like this one and subscribe my channel for the latest updates…!
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