How To Fix “ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED Error” in Google Chrome Browser ?

How To Fix “ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED Error” in Google Chrome Browser ?

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How To Fix /”ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED Error/” in Google Chrome Browser ?

Method 1:

Flush DNS Cache And Renew Your IP Address

Open Command Prompt as Administrator and Type the commands Below:-

Step 1:) Type ipconfig /flushdns (hit Enter)

Step 2:) Type ipconfig /renew (hit Enter)

Step 3:) Type ipconfig /registerdns (hit Enter)

Method 2:

Set Google’s DNS as Your DNS Server

Step 1:) Press Window+R button on Keyboard in order to bring the Run Window.

Step 2:) Type /”ncpa.cpl/” without quotes and hit enter .

Step 3:) Select your active connection ,Right click on it ,and the click on properties.

Step 4:) Select Internet Protocol version 4 ,and the click on Properties .

Step 5:) Put the following IP address

Preferred DNS Server:
Alternate DNS SErver:

Step 6:) Save and Exit .

Method 3:

Clear Google Chrome Cookies

Step 1:) Go to /”settings/” in chrome .

Step 2:) Click on History .

Step 3:) clear Cookies.

Step 4:) Restart your Chrome .

That’s all

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