How To Fix “Dns_Probe_Finished_No_Internet” in Google Chrome Browser ?

How To Fix “Dns_Probe_Finished_No_Internet” in Google Chrome Browser ?

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How To Fix /”Dns_Probe_Finished_No_Internet/” in Google Chrome Browser ?

Method 1:

Make sure your Internet is working ,check your cable,Router.

Method 2:

Step 1: Open Command Prompt as Administrator

Step 2: Type /”netsh winsock reset/” without quotes command and Hit Enter.

Step 3: Restart your Computer.

Method 3:

Update Network Adapter Driver Software

Step 1: Press Win+R key on your Keyboard to bring the run window .
Step 2: Type /”devmgmt.msc/” without quotes.

Step 3: Go to Network Adaptors and Update it .

That’s all

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