How To Fix Device Unauthorized With Android ADB On CMD Fix

How To Fix Device Unauthorized With Android ADB On CMD Fix

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Hey this tutorial is going to show you how to fix the Device unauthorized when using the adb command /”adb devices/” on command prompt. I came up with three methods that you can use to fix this error.

1. Disconnect your device from your computer

– Under developer settings revoke all adb authorization and disable usb debugging and then disable developer options

– Now enable developer mode and usb debugging and then plug in your device and if you get a pop up asking you to allow than allow it and now it should work. If it still doesn’t work follow the next method.

2. Disconnect your device from your computer

– Disable usb debugging and then disable developer options

– Now type in the command prompt /”adb kill-server/” and then press enter, Now type in the command prompt /”adb start-server/” and then press enter

– Enable usb debugging and then enable developer options and then connect your device to your computer

– If you get a pop up then did allow and then it should work. If you still don’t receive the allow pop up and move on to the final method.

3. Disconnect your device from your computer

– Disable usb debugging and then disable developer options

– Type in the command prompt /”adb kill-server/” and then press enter

– Open Windows Explorer and then go to This PC – Your hard drive – Users folder – Open the user profile that you are log into

– Open the /”.android/” folder and delete the two files in the folder

– Now go back to command prompt and type /”adb start-server/” and then press enter

– Enable developer options and Usb debugging, Now connect your device and you should finally see the pop up to allow your computer to connect to your phone and now try the command /”adb devices/” and now it should work.


Google,Android,ADB,CMD,Command Prompt,Samsung,LG,Motorola

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