How To Fix: Device or Resource (Dns Server) is Not Responding on Windows 10/8/7

How To Fix: Device or Resource (Dns Server) is Not Responding on Windows 10/8/7

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Computer appears to be correctly configured but the device or resource (DNS server)is not responding is a common network error on Windows 10/8/7. You will get this error on your PC when DNS server is not responding either because of misonfiguration or other DNS server issue. To solve this problem we have to configure the DNS server manually. On this video you will learn how to configure the DNS server manually on Windows 10 and older Windows PC to solve the problem of DNS server not responding.
Device or Resource (DNS Server) is Not Responding error on Windows PC can be easily fixed after following the guide on this video. You will no more get DNS server is not responding message while troubleshooting your network connection.
After you apply the fix by configuring DNS server manually on your computer you will no more get this error that says, /”Computer appears to be correctly configured but the device or resource (dns server)is not responding/” on your computer.

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