How To Fix Copy & Paste Not Working in Windows 10 [2 Fixes]

How To Fix Copy & Paste Not Working in Windows 10 [2 Fixes]

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Channel Avatar itech tips2019-06-27 09:40:49 Thumbnail
To Fix Copy & Paste Not Working in Windows 10, and also in Window 7 and Window 8, try one of the following fixes:
Method 1:
Open the “command prompt” as admin, then enter the following command:
cmd /c/”echo off|clip”
Method 2:
Open c:// drive – Windows – System32. In the folder named System32, search for “rdpclip”- right click on the application named “rdpclip” – click ‘Run as administrator’.
Then search for “dwm” – Right click on the application named “dwm” – click ‘Run as administrator’.
Then restart your computer.
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