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Code 1) %localappdata%//Microsoft//OneDrive//onedrive.exe /reset
2) %localappdata%//Microsoft//OneDrive//onedrive.exe
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Fix OneDrive sync problems
/”We couldn’t sync this library
We couldn’t set up this library for you because of a server
onedrive-sdk-csharp/ at master
accessDenied The caller doesn’t have permission to perform the action.
activityLimitReached The app or user has been throttled.
generalException An unspecified error has occurred.
invalidRange The specified byte range is invalid or unavailable.
invalidRequest The request is malformed or incorrect.
itemNotFound The resource could not be found.
malwareDetected Malware was detected in the requested resource.
nameAlreadyExists The specified item name already exists.
notAllowed The action is not allowed by the system.
notSupported The request is not supported by the system.
resourceModified The resource being updated has changed since the caller last read it, usually an eTag mismatch.
resyncRequired The delta token is no longer valid, and the app must reset the sync state.
serviceNotAvailable The service is not available. Try the request again after a delay. There may be a Retry-After header.
quotaLimitReached The user has reached their quota limit.
unauthenticated The caller is not authenticated.
accessRestricted Access restricted to the item’s owner.
cannotSnapshotTree Failed to get a consistent delta snapshot. Try again later.
childItemCountExceeded Max limit on the number of child items was reached.
entityTagDoesNotMatch ETag does not match the current item’s value.
fragmentOutOfOrder Uploaded fragment is out of order.
fragmentOverlap Uploaded fragment overlaps with existing data.
invalidAcceptType Invalid accept type.
Invalid parameter format.
invalidPath Name contains invalid characters.
invalidQueryOption Invalid query option.
invalidStartIndex Invalid start index.
lockMismatch Lock token does not match existing lock.
lockNotFoundOrAlreadyExpired There is currently no unexpired lock on the item.
lockOwnerMismatch Lock Owner ID does not match provided ID.
malformedEntityTag ETag header is malformed. ETags must be quoted strings.
maxDocumentCountExceeded Max limit on number of Documents is reached.
maxFileSizeExceeded Max file size exceeded.
maxFolderCountExceeded Max limit on number of Folders is reached.
maxFragmentLengthExceeded Max file size exceeded.
maxItemCountExceeded Max limit on number of Items is reached.
maxQueryLengthExceeded Max query length exceeded.
maxStreamSizeExceeded Maximum stream size exceeded.
parameterIsTooLong Parameter Exceeds Maximum Length.
parameterIsTooSmall Parameter is smaller then minimum value.
pathIsTooLong Path exceeds maximum length.
pathTooDeep Folder hierarchy depth limit reached.
propertyNotUpdateable Property not updateable.
resyncRequired Resync is required.
serviceNotAvailable The server is unable to process the current request.
serviceReadOnly Resource is temporarily read-only.
throttledRequest Too many requests.
tooManyResultsRequested Too many results requested.
tooManyTermsInQuery Too many terms in the query.
truncationNotAllowed Data truncation is not allowed.
uploadSessionFailed Upload session failed.
uploadSessionIncomplete Upload session incomplete.
uploadSessionNotFound Upload session not found.
virusSuspicious This document is suspicious and may have a virus.
zeroOrFewerResultsRequested Zero or fewer results requested.
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