How to Find Files in Linux | Learning Terminal

How to Find Files in Linux | Learning Terminal

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Channel Avatar Chris Titus Tech2019-02-14 16:00:11 Thumbnail
In this video, I go over how to find files in Linux terminal. In this Linux Tutorial you will learn everything you ever wanted to know about the find commend and even some stuff you didn’t know you wanted to know.

Basic syntax
-find options starting/path expression
$ find ~ -name media*
Note: -name is CASE SENSITIVE for results
$ find /var/html -name *.html
$ find ~ -type d -iname Downloads
Note: -iname makes it so results are not matched based on CASE.

Advanced syntax
Find Files based on modified in the past 1 day
$ find ~ -mtime -1
Note: cull this down by using | grep partial file name
Or Find Files based on modified in the past 10 minutes
$ find ~ -mmin -10
OR find Files based on modified in the past 10 minutes and greater than 10 megs
$ find ~ -mmin -10 -size +10M

You can also add the -delete command at the end to delete ALL FILES FOUND!!! Use with extreme caution!

Bonus easily find where a program is located with /”whereis/”
$ whereis gimp .

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