How to factory reset your google chromecast (Urdu/Hindi)

How to factory reset your google chromecast (Urdu/Hindi)

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Channel Avatar MNA Technologist2022-08-31 02:30:02 Thumbnail
How to install and set up google chromecast with full review (Urdu/Hindi)

Unboxing and Testing fake Chromecast /”Mira Screen/” (Urdu/Hindi)

Software and Devices
Laptop:ASUS CORE i7 Model: A53S
Video Editing: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018
Audio Editing: Audacity SW
Sound Card: Creative Sound Blaster
Mic: Blue Snowball Ice
Headphone: Sony Brand
Information: Books and internet
Picture Sources: Internet+Camera
Camera: Redmi note 8 pro and LG G4
Voice over: Nauman
Backround music:Defqwop – Awakening [NCS Release]
Backround music Link
Contact: [email protected]
[email protected]

#google #chromecast #google_home

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