How to Draw a Diagonal Line Through a Cell in Excel – Excel Tips and Tricks

How to Draw a Diagonal Line Through a Cell in Excel – Excel Tips and Tricks

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Channel Avatar Rabi Gurung2022-11-26 16:00:26 Thumbnail
Learn how to draw a diagonal line through a cell in Excel. This is expecially good to show as a divider between row and column headers.

Here are the steps to draw the diagonal line
1) Select table corner cell.
2) Ctrl + 1
3) Border tab
4) Click on diagonal line.
5) OK

Here are the steps to add text to the header cell.
1) Select table corner cell.
2) Add a few spaces and enter row header text; /”Month/”.
3) Alt + Enter to add new line
4) Enter column header text; /”Name/”
5) Press Enter when done.

Here are the steps to change font size of the header text
1) Double click /”Month/”.
2) Change font size to 8.
3) Double click /”Name/”.
4) Change font size to 8.

I do not own the /”Drawn Number Circle Png/”. You can find that from the link below.
Drawn Number Circle Png – Red Marker Circle Png

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