How to convert your email into a calendar appointment.

How to convert your email into a calendar appointment.

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Channel Avatar Organized Audrey2016-05-16 19:59:52 Thumbnail
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In this Productivity Tip, Audrey Thomas, CSP, shows us how to move emails to our calendar, even if they have attachments with them.

Create a calendar appointment from an email. If you receive an email that represents a future appointment or block of time on your calendar, don’t leave it in your Inbox in the hopes that you’ll remember to revisit it at the proper date and time. Chances are it’ll get buried with other email.

Instead, move it to your calendar in the same way you’d drag it to a folder, by simply highlighting it and dragging it to the word “Calendar” in the lower left Navigation Pane or to a date on the mini Calendar featured in your To Do Bar. Once you’re hovering over one of these areas, you can let go and a new Calendar Appointment will open up, copying the subject line of the email as the new appointment name. You can now edit as necessary.

Make sure you go back to your Inbox and delete the original email because you’ve now moved it to where you need to work on it later.

These Productivity Pointers are posted frequently here on our OrganizedAudrey channel. If you enjoy Twitter, look for us at #LeanOffice to find other tips to help you become more efficient at the office with your time, email, desk organization and more.

Audrey Thomas, CSP, is the founder of Organized Audrey and is an author and international speaker.

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