How to bold gridlines in Excel

How to bold gridlines in Excel

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Channel Avatar Cogwheel Learning2021-03-23 17:25:05 Thumbnail
In this video I’ll show you how to bold gridlines (make Excel cell border thicker) in Microsoft Excel.

This will teach you how to add a thicker border in Excel.

If you just need to do this for a table, a range of cells or something like that, then please select only that data range and follow the steps that I’m gonna be showing you because I’m going to do this for the whole spreadsheet, but you may not need to do that.

Step 1
Go to the top left corner, identify the arrow button and click on it and this will select all the cells in this worksheet. Right here, if you don’t need to do this for your whole spreadsheet, then just select your data range.

Step 2
Go to the Home tab and there’s a little square button in there with an even smaller arrow button next to it, click on the arrow button and select the last option from the dropdown menu and that will open up the Format Cells wizard on the Border group.

From this wizard select the type of border that you want, pick a color and click on Outline and Inside to specify that we want the custom bold borders everywhere and then just hit OKand now we have custom bold gridlines in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Now, keep in mind that these are not really gridlines, but borders that we added to our cells – so technically we didn’t customized the gridlines but we added a bold green border across all of our cells and now the default gridlines are no longer visible since they are hidden by our borders.

I hope this was useful to you, please let me know in the comments if it was or even if it wasn’t, thanks for wathing and have a great day!

Feeling generous? I like coffee.

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