How To Add Visual C++ as Prerequisite

How To Add Visual C++ as Prerequisite

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Channel Avatar Advanced Installer Powers PacKit FREE2022-10-06 14:00:00 Thumbnail
In this video, we will be covering the main aspects of the C++ Redistributables, including which version you need and how you can include them as a prerequisite.

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Installing the *Microsoft C++ Redistributable* often comes as a must when you install a Windows application. You have to install this Redistributable to make sure that the application will run properly.

*What is a Visual C++ Redistributable?*
A Visual C++ Redistributable is a package that contains Microsoft C and C++ runtime libraries.

If you are developing an application and building it with Microsoft C and C++ tools, there is a good chance you are using these runtime libraries.

This means that your application is dependent on Visual C++ Redistributables and you have to install them on the targeted system before you install your main application. Otherwise, your application will not function properly and there will be missing components.

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