How do I create a dependent drop-down list in Excel – Excel Tip and Tricks

How do I create a dependent drop-down list in Excel – Excel Tip and Tricks

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Channel Avatar Rabi Gurung2023-07-26 13:00:15 Thumbnail
Learn how to create a dependent drop down list in Excel. Discover how you can create a dynamic drop down list in Excel with multiple selection. And we will also answer, what is a dynamic drop down list? And how do I create a dependent drop down list in multiple rows?

These are the steps outlined in my video.

Country Drop Down List
1) Select B2
2) Data ~ Data Tools ~ Data Validation ~ Data Validation
3) List
4) Source as =$D$14#
5) ENTER twice

State Drop Down List
1) Select B3
2) Data ~ Data Tools ~ Data Validation ~ Data Validation
3) List
4) Source as =$E$14#
5) ENTER twice

City Drop Down List
1) Select B4
2) Data ~ Data Tools ~ Data Validation ~ Data Validation
3) List
4) Source as =$F$14#
5) ENTER twice

Get Unique Country
1) Sellect cell D14
2) =UNIQUE(A14:A109)

Get Unique State
1) Sellect cell E14
2) =UNIQUE(INDEX(FILTER(A14:B109,A14:A109=B2),,2))

Get Unique City
1) Sellect cell F14
2) =UNIQUE(INDEX(FILTER(B14:C109,B14:B109=B3),,2))

The formula is the same as before except that we are using State in cell B3 as a condition and we are using data range from G2 to H97.

Let’s breakdown the formula.

FILTER(A14:B109, A14:A109=B2): The FILTER function is used to filter data in a range based on a specified condition. In this case, it filters the range A14:B109 based on the condition that the corresponding cells in column D (A14:A109) are equal to the value in cell B2.

INDEX(…, , 2): The INDEX function returns a value or array of values from a specified range. In this case, we are using the FILTER result as the first argument. The /

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