Get Your Fightstick to Work on PC using JoyToKey (OLD VIDEO PROCEED WITH CAUTION)

Get Your Fightstick to Work on PC using JoyToKey (OLD VIDEO PROCEED WITH CAUTION)

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For those having issues connecting your fightstick to your PC despite the PC saying, /”Hey, your controller is plugged in,/” this is for you.

Download JoyToKey:

This works for about 90% of fighting games (and games altogether), including Killer Instinct AND Street Fighter X Tekken. Most fighting games from Steam will auto-register your controller if you go into the Steam Controller Options. If the game you have purchased doesn’t read your stick, all you have to do is download JoyToKey for the most part, and learn how to use it. This video will show you how. KOF13 is just the example I decided to use. You can apply this to Killer Instinct and various other games. Even works with emulators.

PS: I’m too broke to activate Windows hence the watermark lol.

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