Full Course HTML Tutorial – How to Make a Web Site Using HTML and Notepad

Full Course HTML Tutorial – How to Make a Web Site Using HTML and Notepad

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Channel Avatar Clever Techie2019-12-24 20:01:56 Thumbnail
The reason I decided to create this HTML tutorial video is to first present an introduction to HTML for people who aren’t familiar with it. The second reason is to bring back the fun and joy of coding your own web site from scratch without using any fancy technologies or frameworks. And the third reason is to use this web site as my own personal information organizational tool. So I can keep some of the most important thoughts, skills that I’m trying to develop, quotes and articles organized.

I’m also using it as a launchpad for my new project called Life Craft which is a YouTube channel and a web site for personal development.

The web development field is filled with all kinds of languages and technologies and many people start learning the latest frameworks without even understanding what they are for. Knowing these latest programming languages can be good if you’re looking to get hired, but Clever Techie is more about the passion of coding your own projects, building your own web sites.

In this video I’d like to bring back that passion of creating your own web site, while understanding every piece of code that you write and only adding and upgrading technology if necessary.

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