Folder keeps changing back to read-only. What permissions setup causes this in Windows?

Folder keeps changing back to read-only. What permissions setup causes this in Windows?

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Channel Avatar Roel Van de Paar2020-08-19 11:40:02 Thumbnail
Folder keeps changing back to read-only. What permissions setup causes this in Windows?

The Question: I think I’m going crazy. Every time I create a folder it automatically is set
to readonly, but I can still then rename the folder or add folders to it. If I
attempt to uncheck the readonly flag it becomes checked again when I next open
the folder properties. What the heck? Could my IT dept really have set up a
policy like this somehow? If so, how?
Seems crazy that Windows would even do this — no errors when I uncheck read-
only and hit ok but the change fails.
Also, it is the halfway checked state — greyed out and checked, but

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