Fix unable to update the minecraft native launcher microsoft store xbox game pass windows 11/10

Fix unable to update the minecraft native launcher microsoft store xbox game pass windows 11/10

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This tutorial is about how to fix unable to update minecraft native launcher microsoft store xbox game pass.

This method not working for mac laptop and other platforms.

In november 2023 i try to download this launcher from xbox game pass via microsoft store.

Also search the solution from reddit and curseforge sites and don’t forget to install the java on your device.

This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,cara mengatasi,deutsch,hatası and español languages.


Today i get the following one error notification while i try to install the minecraft launcher via microsoft store app :

Unable to update the Minecraft Native Launcher.



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How to solve unable to update minecraft native launcher :

1.One of my subscriber ask why does it say this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.

2.Here i get this error message in my new windows 11 pc.

3.At same time this solucion also works on windows 10 based pc’s.

4.So very simple method to fix this error is,just one time reset this minecraft launcher.

5.And if may be this reset process doesn’t work for you,just uninstall that launcher completely.

6.And don’t forget to restart your device.

7.After the restarting is completed,finally this minecraft native launcher won’t update problem is solved in permanently.

#unabletoupdateminecraftnativelauncher #unabletoupdatethe #microsoftstore

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