Fix: “Taskbar Icons Disappear in Windows 10 and Windows 11” [3 Methods]

Fix: “Taskbar Icons Disappear in Windows 10 and Windows 11” [3 Methods]

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Taskbar icons like power icon, network icon, battery icon, volume icon, language bar, date and time missing from Windows 10 and Windows 11 taskbar? Try these 3 simple methods to fix the problem.

1- Right click on taskbar I windows explorer I right click on windows explorer and /”end task/” (if there are multiple instances of windows explorer, please /”end task/” all of them I File (top menu) Run New Task I type /”explorer.exe/” without quotes and check the mark against /”Create this task with administrative privileges/” I OK I

2- Right click on taskbar I Properties I Notification Area I Customize I Select Which icons appear on the taskbar I turn the missing taskbar icon ON. Don’t close the window!

3- Now go back one step and select Turn system icons On or Off I turn the missing taskbar icon on there!

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