Fix Microsoft Store Not Working On Windows 10 – Reinstall Microsoft Store

Fix Microsoft Store Not Working On Windows 10 – Reinstall Microsoft Store

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Learn how to fix Microsoft Store not Working on Windows 10 using different methods. If you are facing issues like Microsoft Store not opening, unable to install apps, and different other problems then you can fix it with easy ways, also you will see how can you reinstall the Microsoft store on Windows 10.

This video will help you to fix the following problems-

1. Microsoft Store Not Opening.
2. MS store won’t launch at all.
3. Can’t install any app
4. Store apps not working.
5. Any other error with Windows Store app.

Here are the following methods you can try –

1. Reset Microsoft Store.
2. Run wsreset
3. Use Windows Troubleshooter.
4. Select the right region.
5. Reinstall Microsoft Store

1st Way –

Powershell Commands to run –

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Get-Appxpackage –Allusers

Copy the PackageFullName and replace it in the following script-

Add-AppxPackage -register “C://Program Files//WindowsApps//(PackageFullName)//AppXManifest.xml” –DisableDevelopmentMode

Execute the above command with correct PackageFullName

2nd Way –

Execute this PowerShell command –

Get-AppXPackage *WindowsStore* -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register /”$($_.InstallLocation)//AppXManifest.xml/”}

6. Reinstall all pre-built apps

Execute the following commands in PowerShell

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers| Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)//AppXManifest.xml”}

These methods will surely help you to fix the Microsoft Store problem on your Windows 10.

Read More ways to fix –

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