FireFox vs WaterFox  whats better for you

FireFox vs WaterFox whats better for you

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Hey everyone this is Rubikx107
and today I using 2 web browsers which are basically the same but have some different options on them as well..
Fire fox the site we all know that clearify and justify that you will not be hurt from anyone .. put the goal of security and privacy on top..
And WaterFox the leas knows web broswer that have fewer app and addons but put the target on fun and speed experniuce for the user ..

ture both broswers are using the same languages : C, C++ and Java but don’t get yourself mistaken they are from differnet developers as well .. Firefox made by moazliaa and waterfox made by 2 people : Alexandros Kontos, Adam Wood

the initial realse date of both is also different you can understand alone that firefox came o ut first and then waterfox came out right after .. ofc after some years both web browsers are now more updated and more better but back then at the time it was big gap between both and both was very very different ..

FireFox :

the addons for both are the same so when you add addons for firefox you can add them the same on waterfox .. and most imporantly nowadays you can importan your data from any browser you have if it’s chrome and firefox to a new broswer you got ..

My opinion:
Firefox is better and I like to use it more than waterfox .. waterfox even tho it updated alot and have some look like firefox now is kinda wired for me to use and I really love firefox it’s safe and fast ..
I even have firefox focus on my iphone which is more secure then the normal one extra privacy matter if you need one ..
Firefox foucs :

If you like speed so take waterfox , waterfox offer safe and privacy as well but not serucity and safe as firefox having . tho have a look on the updates they haveing the last update firefox had was 5 of october not that long ago .. but yet it’s means that firefox is serouis about thier goal and want to keep themselves at a good point ..

for me Firefox is looks like Brave and I did mention it on the video
Waterfox is like chrome and vivaldi or opera which is leas about privacy but mmore about speed and experince for the user..

anyway what you thinking? whats better ? FireFox or WaterFox?
lmk at the comments and seeya next time people .. cya

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