Exploiting a Use-After-Free (UAF) Vulnerability – “Unsubscriptions Are Free” Pwn Challenge [PicoGym]

Exploiting a Use-After-Free (UAF) Vulnerability – “Unsubscriptions Are Free” Pwn Challenge [PicoGym]

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/”Unsubscriptions Are Free/” (Pwn) challenge from PicoGym (picoCTF) – /”Check out my new video-game and spaghetti-eating streaming channel on Twixer!/”. In this challenge we’ll use Ghidra, GDB-PwnDbg and PwnTools to exploit a Use After Free (UAF) vulnerability and read the flag. Write-ups/tutorials aimed at beginners – Hope you enjoy #Pwn #BinaryExploitation #BinExp #CTF #CaptureTheFlag #Pico #picoctf



Start: 0:00
Basic file checks: 0:24
Review source code: 1:17
Ghidra analysis: 6:44
Debug with GDB-PwnDbg: 8:06
PwnTools Script: 13:07
End: 16:46

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