Explained – Microsoft 365 Apps Update Channels

Explained – Microsoft 365 Apps Update Channels

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Bob from the Microsoft 365 Apps Ranger team explains the different update channels for the Microsoft 365 Apps. For each channel we explain the characteristics, usage scenarios and some best practices. We cover the Microsoft 365 Insider channels (Beta and Current Channel (Preview)), Current Channel, Monthly Enterprise Channel, Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel (Preview) as well as Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel.

========== RESOURCES ==========
→ Overview on Update Channels: https://learn.microsoft.com/deployoffice/overview-update-channels
→ Managing Microsoft 365 Apps update channels: https://youtu.be/rIpoloAZnSg
→ Microsoft 365 Apps Insider Program: https://insider.office.com/
→ Forrester Total Economic Impact Study on Monthly Enterprise Channel: https://youtu.be/yx3kG-tvRcw
→ Choose how to update the Microsoft 365 Apps: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployoffice/fieldnotes/choose-how-to-deliver-updates
→ Microsoft 365 Apps admin center: https://config.office.com

========== CHAPTERS ==========
0:00 – Teaser
0:25 – Introduction
1:16 – Microsoft 365 Apps Insider Program
1:34 – Beta Channel
2:34 – Current Channel (Preview)
4:02 – Current Channel
6:04 – Monthly Enterprise Channel
8:02 – Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel Intro
8:56 – Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel (Preview)
10:15 – Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel
12:12 – Outro

========== GET CONNECTED ==========
→ Microsoft 365 Apps Deployment Insiders on YouTube: https://aka.ms/ODInsidersVideos
→ Microsoft 365 Tech Community Blog: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-blog/bg-p/microsoft_365blog
→ Microsoft 365 Discussion Forums: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-apps-for/bd-p/Microsoft365Apps

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