Excel: Two Ways to Change the Case of Text: Functions and Power Query

Excel: Two Ways to Change the Case of Text: Functions and Power Query

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In this video you’ll learn how to:
Convert text from lower case to upper case
Convert text from upper case to lower case
Convert text to proper case (first letter of each word in Caps)
Convert text to sentence case (the first letter of the first word is in Caps)

This can be done with formulas or Power Query and in this video I’ll show you both methods

Where might you use this? A client once sent me an Excel file containing 500 names in lower case and wanted to know if there was a simple way to convert them to upper case. Spoiler alert – there is – and that’s one of the things I’ll show you in this video.

For full details see the timestamps below:

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:52 Convert Text Using Formulas
00:05:40 Convert Text Using Power Query

Notes and Resources
Download a copy of the file used in this video: https://app.box.com/s/f028p0clsqjjxdyelw8tfthlm9jhpqzu

MoreQuery Addin: https://theexceltrainer.co.uk/morequery-a-free-addin-for-excel-for-mac

The formulas that I used in the demos:
=$E$1 & $E$2 & LOWER(A2)
=UPPER(LEFT(A2, 1)) & LOWER(MID(A2, 2, LEN(A2)-1))

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#excel #powerquery #text

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