Excel spreadsheet quickly renames .MSG files (Outlook emails) by date, time, sender, subject line

Excel spreadsheet quickly renames .MSG files (Outlook emails) by date, time, sender, subject line

HomeOther ContentExcel spreadsheet quickly renames .MSG files (Outlook emails) by date, time, sender, subject line
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Channel Avatar Michael Dew2022-11-11 06:40:55 Thumbnail
#shorts #Excel #Outlook #email #renaming

Available for download at https://www.legaltree.ca/node/2250 is a spreadsheet which can be used to quickly rename .msg files, which are native file format emails as stored in Microsoft Outlook.

See 6 minute explanation video at https://youtu.be/yQrwex-wJWQ

It is common for lawyers (and others) to receive copies of .msg files to be reviewed for discussion. The recipient may put those .msg files into a folder in Windows Explorer, and those files will often default to having names based on the subject lines of the emails. But it may be preferred to give those files more useful names e.g.

2022-08-17_Email sent 23h44.36 by John Smith (Meeting tomorrow).msg

The spreadsheet contains a macro that can quickly rename the .msg files according to their date, time, sender, and email subject line, with the data arranged in the file name such that the files sort into date order.

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