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| 2016-08-11 10:00:01 | ![]() 47,858 Views |
Welcome to another episode of the MrExcel podcast, where we dive into all things Excel. In today’s episode, we’ll be discussing how to create a summary sheet by summing all the data from multiple worksheets. If you’re new here, make sure to subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell to stay updated on all our Excel tips and tricks.
So, let’s say you have created monthly reports from January to December and now you need to create a summary report for the entire year. Instead of manually adding up the data from each month, there’s a much faster way to do it. It’s called a Spearing Formula or a 3D reference. I’ll show you how to use this formula to quickly sum all the data from multiple worksheets.
First, type in =SUM( and then carefully click on the first sheet, in this case, January. Then, hold down the shift key and click on the last sheet, which is December. This will automatically add all the sheets in between. Next, click on the cell you want to add up and close the formula with a ). Press enter and voila! You have a formula that sums all the data from multiple sheets.
One thing to note is that the sheets need to be in the same shape for this formula to work. If you have sheet names with spaces, make sure to add apostrophes (‘) around the sheet names. However, if you use the trick I just showed you, you don’t have to worry about this. Also, if you have quarterly sheets, you can use a wildcard (*) in the formula to sum them up. This is a trick shared by Bob Umlas, one of our contributors for the MrExcel book.
Speaking of the MrExcel book, it covers all 40 tips and tricks from our podcast series. It’s a great reference guide and only costs $25. So, if you’ve been enjoying our free podcast series, we highly recommend purchasing the book to support us and have all the tips in one place.
In summary, the Spearing Formula or 3D reference is a fast and efficient way to sum data from multiple worksheets. Just remember to keep the sheets in the same shape and avoid adding new sheets in between. We hope you found this tip useful and stay tuned for more Excel tips and tricks from the MrExcel podcast. Thank you for watching and we’ll see you in the next episode!
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Table of Contents
(00:00) Formula to Sum All Worksheets in Excel
(00:18) Creating a Summary Sheet
(00:37) Formula to Add Each Monthly Sheet
(01:03) 3D Reference – Easy Way to Enter
(01:51) Apostrophes around Sheet Names with Special Characters
(02:16) Bob Umlas: Only Add Quarters
(02:59) Episode Recap
(03:11) Clicking Like really helps the algorithm
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Update from September 2023. What if your worksheets don’t line up? See episode 2622:
This video answers these common search terms:
How To Make 3D Formula In Excel
How To Use A 3D Reference In An Excel Formula
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How To Sum Multiple Sheets Excel
How To Create Formula Across Multiple Excel Worksheets
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