Excel – Formula Indenting: Episode 1640

Excel – Formula Indenting: Episode 1640

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Channel Avatar MrExcel.com2013-02-07 22:39:42 Thumbnail
Microsoft Excel Tutorial: Master Formula Indenting in Excel: Tips and Tricks from Trainertage.

Welcome to episode 1640 of the MrExcel netcast, where we explore the world of Excel and all its hidden tricks and features. In this episode, we will be discussing a cool trick that I learned at Trainertage, a conference for Excel enthusiasts. The topic for today is formula indenting, and I can’t wait to share this with you.

During my time at Trainertage, I had the opportunity to sit in on a class taught by Dietmar Gieringer. As he was speaking in German, I noticed a small difference in the way they use commas and semicolons in their functions. While this may not work in the US version of Excel, I discovered that you can use a comma and space to separate arguments, making your formulas more readable.

But that’s not all. I was blown away when I saw Dietmar use Alt + Enter to add spaces and indent his formulas, just like we do in VBA. This not only made the formula more visually appealing, but it also helped to line up arguments that were at the same level. And the best part? You can use as many spaces as you want, making your formula even more organized and easy to understand.

Now, you may be thinking, /”But what about when the formula bar is collapsed? I won’t be able to see the whole formula./” Well, that’s where the N function comes in. By adding the N function and a cautionary message in quotes, you can ensure that the entire formula is visible when the formula bar is expanded. This clever trick was suggested by one of the attendees, Dominik Petri, and I have to say, it’s a game-changer.

I want to give a special shout-out to Dietmar for sharing this amazing trick and to Dominik for the N function solution. If you’re interested in learning more about Excel and its endless possibilities, I highly recommend attending Trainertage. The next conference will be held on January 17th-21st, 2014 in Lucerne, Switzerland. And don’t worry, even though most sessions are in German, I will be presenting in slow English for all my non-German speaking friends.

Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the MrExcel netcast. I hope you found this trick as useful and mind-blowing as I did. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more Excel tips and tricks. And if you have any suggestions for future episodes, please let me know in the comments below. Until next time, keep exploring and mastering Excel. See you soon!

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Table of Contents:
(00:00) Formula Indenting
(00:10) Separating Arguments in Functions
(00:24) Adding Space for Readability
(00:34) Indenting Formulas with Alt + Enter
(01:13) Example of Indented Formula
(01:47) Making Formulas More Readable
(02:16) Using N Function for Collapsed Formula Bar
(03:23) Expanding Formula Bar with N Function
(03:33) Clicking Like really helps the algorithm

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This video answers these common search terms:
Excel 2010 idea book by Dietmar
Excel tricks
Formula indenting
German version of Excel
Indenting formulas like in VBA
Making formulas more readable
N function in Excel
Trainer days in Lucerne, Switzerland
Using Alt + Enter to indent formulas
Using the N function to expand formula bar

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More things that Bill learned at Trainertage 2013.

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