Excel Challenge How Did Bill Manage To BREAK The Excel Status Bar Sum #shorts  – Episode S0024

Excel Challenge How Did Bill Manage To BREAK The Excel Status Bar Sum #shorts – Episode S0024

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Microsoft Excel Tutorial: The status bar total appears to be broken in Excel. How?

Welcome to another Excel challenge, folks! Today, we have a real head-scratcher for you. In this #shorts video, I’ll be showing you how I managed to break the Excel status bar sum. That’s right, I made it show a negative number when it should have been positive. How did I do it? Well, that’s for you to figure out.

Let’s take a closer look at the numbers on the screen. As you can see, the sum of these numbers is 80. Now, when I select them from the bottom to the top, the status bar shows the correct sum of 80. But when I select them from the top down, the status bar suddenly shows a negative 80. How is this possible? I’ll give you a hint: it’s all about the order in which you select the cells.

Now, here’s the challenge for you. I want you to tell me in the comments below how I managed to pull off this Excel trick. The first person to figure it out will receive a free PDF from the MrExcel store. Trust me, it’s a great one. So put on your thinking caps and let me know your answer in the comments. And don’t forget to hit that like button and subscribe to our channel for more Excel tips and tricks. Happy Excel-ing!

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There was a scary post online today… the Excel Status Bar sum was WRONG! But it is not wrong… it is a great trick that will win you bar bets from your Excel guru friends!

The Status Bar sum is CORRECT when you select from bottom to top!
But it is INCORRECT when you select from top to bottom!

Down in the YouTube comments, tell me how I managed to do this.

It required no VBA. You can easily do it yourself and freak out your Excel guru friends!

Don’t feel bad… when I first saw it, I could not figure it out either. This relies on one of those odd facts about Excel.


This video answers these common search terms:
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Table of Contents
(0:00) Problem Statement: Excel status bar has wrong total
(0:11) Select from top and total is wrong
(0:21) Comment below on how this could happen

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