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00:05 – Introduction to Linux and basic commands for beginners
01:47 – Understanding basic Linux file management commands.
03:34 – Learn to remove, copy, and move files using essential Linux commands.
05:18 – Learn to move files and check user identity in Linux.
06:52 – Learn to manage users and groups in Linux.
08:45 – Learn to check and change file permissions in Linux.
10:40 – Installing and removing Nano text editor in Linux.
12:16 – Essential Linux commands for file reading and system monitoring.
Overview of Linux
Linux is a widely used operating system, popular among businesses for its reliability and versatility.
Learning Linux is beneficial for those seeking careers in IT, as many cloud servers and tech systems rely on it.
Knowledge of Linux commands can significantly enhance job opportunities and career prospects.
Basic Linux Commands
The pwd command displays the current directory you are in, helping users navigate the file system.
To list files and directories, the ls command is used; adding -l provides detailed information about file permissions, owners, sizes, and timestamps.
File management commands include touch for creating files, rm for removing files, and mkdir for creating directories.
File and Directory Management
To create a file, use the command touch myfile.txt, which can be verified using ls.
The command rm myfile.txt removes the specified file, and rm -r dirname is used for deleting directories, including the contents inside.
Copy files with cp source destination and move them using the mv command, simplifying file organization within directories.
User Management
The command whoami shows the current user, and sudo -s allows elevating privileges to root for administrative tasks.
To create a new user, use useradd newuser, followed by passwd newuser to set a password.
To grant admin access to a user, the command usermod -aG sudo newuser is utilized.
File Permissions and Security
File permissions can be checked with ls -l filename, showing read and write access for users.
To modify permissions, use chmod, with chmod 777 filename granting full access to all users.
It’s important to manage permissions carefully to maintain system security.
Installing and Managing Software
Use sudo dnf check-update to check for available updates, and sudo dnf install package to install new software.
The sudo dnf remove package command removes installed software, with the -y option skipping confirmation prompts.
Installed packages can be listed using sudo dnf list installed.
System Monitoring Commands
The uptime command provides information about how long the system has been running.
The top command displays active processes, allowing real-time system monitoring.
Memory usage can be checked with free -m, and disk usage with df -h to manage resources effectively.
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