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If you are using 32bit windows you can only have a maximum of 3gb RAM –
This Tutorial is to show you how to fix missing RAM on Windows 7, 8 or Vista to be able to access your full amount of RAM.
Instructions and troubleshooting options are below:
1. Check your system properties
(If it says /”x.xx usable/”)
2. Click on the start button, search /”msconfig/” and press enter.
3. Go to the boot tab and click advanced options
4. UNTICK the /”Maximum memory/” box
5. Click ok, on the small dialog box
6. Click apply and OK in the big dialog box.
7. Restart and check your system properties.
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-Right click on My Computer and select properties, click on device manager and click /”check for hardware changes/”. Usually if there is a change, you will hear a beep.
-Installed devices may be reserving th RAM for themselves so cannot be used elsewhere
-If you are using more than one RAM stick, maker sure you get similar RAM sticks as motherboards are fussy about mix and match RAM.
-Things like onboard graphics may be using the RAM (Such as intel HD)
-You may have gone over the limit of RAM your motherboard can handle (IN this case, check your motherboard specifications)
-Old BIOS (Update your BIOS by visiting your computer manufacturer’s website)
-The version of Windows 7 that is installed may not handle in (Windows 7 Starter Edition only supports 2 GB of installed memory.)
-Your RAM may not be in the correct slots on your motherboard, check them. (They work better in pairs – two RAM sticks in the same colour RAM slots)
-Your RAM stick may be malfunctioning, swap it with another.
-Make sure RAM is not loose
-Make sure your RAM is recognised by the motherboard (Check the BIOS by mashing the F10 key on startup)
-Windows may be reserving the RAM for a process
-Attempt a RAM refresh, type /”Mystring=(80000000)/” without quotations in notepad, and save the file as /”1.vbe/”. Then double click on the saved file.
-BIOS Setting:
1.Enter BIOS (Mashing F10 key on startup (Before windows logo)
2. Go to Advanced
3. Go to Chipset Settings
4. Enable Memory Reamp Feature
5. Exit and Save
-Last resort = Reinstall windows
-Last last resort = Buy a new PC
-Last last last resort = buy a mac and never have a problem again!
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