Dynamically highlight any cell that matches what you enter – Excel Tips and Tricks

Dynamically highlight any cell that matches what you enter – Excel Tips and Tricks

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Channel Avatar Rabi Gurung2023-05-06 13:00:26 Thumbnail
Discover how to create a search tool that dynamically highlights any cell that matches what you enter. Or highlight row if cell contains partial text,
Also how to highlight find results in excel,and excel find highlight color

Here are the steps outlined in this video.

Enable Developer Ribbon
1) Right-click anywhere in the ribbon
2) Customized the Ribbon…
3) Check on Developer
4) OK

Add Textbox
1) Developer ~ Control ~ Insert ~ Textbox
(under ActiveX Controls)
2) Place text box
3) Right-click on textbox, Properties
4) Set LinkedCell to E1.
5) Close Properties popup.
6) Developer ~ Control ~ Design Mode (disable)

Highlight Rows
1) Select dataset (without header)
2) Home ~ Style ~ Conditional Formatting
3) New Rule…
4) Use a formula to determine which cells to format
5) =AND(SEARCH($E$1,A5),$E$1<>/”/”)
6) Format
7) Fill tab
8) Select colour you like.
9) OK
10) OK

Here’s what each part of the formula does:

1) SEARCH($E$1, A5): This function searches for the contents of cell E1 within the text in cell A5. It returns the position of the text if it’s found, or an error value if it’s not found.
2) $E$1: This refers to an absolute reference to cell E1. The dollar signs ($) indicate that the reference should not change when the formula is copied to other cells. So, the formula will always refer to cell E1.
3) $E$1<>/”/”: This is a comparison that checks if the contents of cell E1 are not empty. The operator /”<>/” means /”not equal to./” If cell E1 is not empty, the comparison will evaluate to TRUE; otherwise, it will evaluate to FALSE.
4) AND(SEARCH($E$1, A5), $E$1<>/”/”): The AND function is used to combine multiple conditions. In this case, it checks if both conditions are TRUE. If the text in cell E1 is found within cell A5 (SEARCH function evaluates to a number) and cell E1 is not empty, the AND function will return TRUE. Otherwise, it will return FALSE.

In a nutshell, this formula checks if the text in cell E1 is present in cell A5 and cell E1 is not empty. If both conditions are met, it returns TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE.

How to highlight row cell contains partial text – Excel Tips and Tricks

Sort Excel table by highlighted rows | Filter by highlighted rows in Excel – Excel Tips and Tricks

Dynamically Highlight Rows Based On Specific Text In Excel – Excel Tips and Tricks

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