Display a list of Started Services from the command line in Windows 10

Display a list of Started Services from the command line in Windows 10

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Display a list of Started Services from the command line in Windows 10:-

In Windows operating systems, a Windows service is a computer program that operates in the background.It is similar in concept to a Unix daemon. By-default many unwanted services are running in the background and you can easily able to view all windows started services through the command line, GUI and PowerShell too.

View Started Services in Windows 10 through Command Line:-

Open the Run menu by pressing Windows Key + R or either right-click on the Start menu and select /”Run/” and enter /”CMD/” without quotes and enter the command /” net start/”.

View Started Services in Windows 10 through Powershell:-

Click on the Start and search for Powershell and enter the below command to view the Windows Started services.

Get-Service | Where Status -eq /”Running/” | Out-GridView

If you want to filter, click on the /”Add Criteria/” and select your filter here.

To view Stopped services, enter the below command on Powershell

Get-Service | Where Status -eq /”Stopped/” | Out-GridView

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