Disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry if it shows High Disk & CPU Usage in Windows 10

Disable Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry if it shows High Disk & CPU Usage in Windows 10

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CompatTelRunner.exe is the Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry process. It periodically sends usage and performance data to Microsoft IP addresses so that improvements can be made on user experience & usage, and fix potential issues. It is enabled by default, and the data points are useful for Microsoft to improve Windows 10. Some users, however, have reported that it displays high Disk or CPU usage and thus slows their computer.

If you wish to disable CompatTelRunner.exe, here is what you can do:

1] Disable Application Experience Tasks in Task Scheduler

2] Disable Windows Telemetry via Group Policy Editor

3] Disable Telemetry using Registry

Learn more on https://www.thewindowsclub.com/what-is-compattelrunner-exe-on-windows-10

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