Creating Waterfall Charts in Microsoft Excel

Creating Waterfall Charts in Microsoft Excel

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Have you ever needed to show a chart visualizing how a starting value gets transformed to an end value through a number of factors impacting it? The most frequent application for such charts is in Finance, where there is a need of explaining how the starting balance ended up in the ending balance and what cost and revenue items have impacted it.

Another need is when you want to show development of values through time.

Such charts are called Waterfall Charts or Bridge Charts or Cascade Charts.

Until a few years ago, in order to build such charts users were forced to creative solutions utilizing Bar Charts but then Microsoft included the functionality to create Waterfall Charts in Excel.

0:00 Intro
1:00 How to create a Waterfall Chart?
02:18 Setting a column as Total
3:00 Other formatting options
4:26 Adding Subtotals
5:20 Formatting Axis
6:05 Copying Waterfall Charts to other applications

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