Create a summer beach scene in Google Drawings

Create a summer beach scene in Google Drawings

HomeOther ContentCreate a summer beach scene in Google Drawings
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Channel Avatar Teach Wonderful2022-02-12 20:46:36 Thumbnail
Develop your design skills as you create this beautiful summer beach scene in Google Drawings. In this lesson, we explore using gradient fills, creating custom shapes, duplicating, grouping and layering so that you can create amazing digital artworks of your own!

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0:00 Introduction to Google Drawings
0:24 Naming your document and page setup
1:07 Applying a gradient fill to the background
2:27 Creating shapes
5:21 Duplicating objects with copy and paste
6:31 Grouping objects
11:35 Layering and reordering objects
13:56 Adding additional design elements
14:20 Summary of design skills

Theme music
/”Success Resolution Video Game Fanfare Sound Effect/” by FunWithSound
Licensed under Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0).

Colour Palette
/”Photoshop Swatches Library for Flat UI Design/” by Alex Kolpikov

Recommended for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 and Year 7 students.
Recommended for Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6 and Grade 7 students.

See for ideas on how differentiate this task for your students. #googledrawings​ #googleclassroom #designforkids #teaching #characteranimator​
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