Com Surrogate : How to remove infected “Com Surrogate” from your Computer

Com Surrogate : How to remove infected “Com Surrogate” from your Computer

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A lot of you might SUFFER from this problem of the “com surrogate” file using all your resources. A lot of people call it a virus, malware, Trojan, and the list goes on..
I’m telling you what it is. It’s a Windows file which is very Helpful in many ways. For example, it makes your thumbnails for you, it handles your drive compression for you, and a lot of other helpful stuff. But the file can be infected like mine was.

Here I’m gonna show you how to get rid of it in 20 sweat, easy steps.

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Tags: windows , virus , malware , comsurrogate , trojan , bug , com , surrogate , microsoft , windows10 , 10 , windows8.1 , 8,1 , windows8 , task , manager , taskmanager , how , to , how-to , remove , delete , wipe , dllhost , exe , CPU , RAM , recources , Disk , High , Usage , Thetechterminus , Androidbluez , tech

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