CNC Router – Free Fonts, How To Install Them for CNC Projects

CNC Router – Free Fonts, How To Install Them for CNC Projects

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If you are trying to find free fonts for your CNC router projects or CNC laser projects, this video tells you how to find free fonts and install them in your computer for your CNC router design projects. This works for all design software include Vectric vcarve, Aspire, Cut2d, Carbide Create, Fusion 360 and Carvece. It also works for all computer programs such as Microsoft word and excel..

FREE font resources
DaFont →
1001fonts →
Fontspace →
Google fonts →

The tool used is a WidgetWorks 120-degree diamond drag tool. This worked exceptionally well.

You can find this tool here:

Z-zero glass surface
Depth of cut 0.1/”
Feed: 30 inches per minute

Plunge rate was a little slow in this video. Set plunge to 20 inches per minute.

Getting unusual fonts allows you to be much more creative with Vectric Vcarve when making signs.

you can get free fonts from Google fonts. Simply do a search for this.

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Installing fonts will create better signs for your projects. Google Fonts is a great resource to collect open-source fonts. This improves your graphics imensely!

I imported these for vcarve.

If you have any suggestions for other amazing free fonts for CNC router or laser, please put them in the comments.

Garrett Fromme
Email: [email protected]

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