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8:41 Powerwash
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“Can a Chromebook get a virus, be hacked, or get spyware?”
According to the makers of Malware-bytes Security, who sell anti-virus software, they say ‘yes!’ But a quick Google search will bring up this bit of info:
Chromebooks Are Inherently Secure and Have No Viruses
They are very secure and aren’t susceptible to any known viruses. This is because each web page and Chrome app runs inside its own virtual “sandbox,” meaning other aspects of the computer can’t be compromised by a single infected page.
So which is it? Can a Chromebook get a virus? Well, to answer that , we need to dig a little deeper on what a virus is and where a Chromebook can be vulnerable .
First, I should probably mention that malware is a general term for items in these two broad categories:
Viruses (boot sector, macro, overwrite, web-scripting, direct action, resident, multipartite)
Trojan horses
Browser hijackers
Phishing sites
File-less malware
Windows PCs can be infected by any from this list.
Chromebooks cannot. This is because The Chrome OS prevents changes to the system through the use of write-only CMOS chips. So traditional viruses simply cannot get into the Chrome OS system to change things around, and they cannot block access or erase files. With that being said, Chromebooks are still vulnerable to Browser hijackers, Phishing sites, Ransomware, File-less malware, and far less common, even spyware from Android Apps. This is because code within third party browser extensions can change the browser settings, resulting in the browser loading a different home page, landing on a phishing web page, loading a ransomware or other annoying pop-up window, or even allowing spyware through a third party android App or extension. Also, Android apps are great on a Chromebook, but they can contain code that can lead them to become spyware.
The thing is, Chromebooks are nearly invulnerable to any items in the top part of our virus list, like Trojans, worms, Adware, bloatware because of locked-down and secure Chrome OS is.
Now with that being said, Chromebooks are still extremely safe and almost 100% secure….
So if your Chromebook begins acting strange, a traditional type of virus is not the cause. It’s most likely your browser was hijacked by an extension. These hijacks can result in all sorts of confusion for the user, because suddenly they expect one web site to load and another page loads in its place. Or an annoying pop up window keeps popping up every 15 seconds. A person might really believe that the system has a virus, but remember, it’s most likely a browser hijack.
The good news is it is very easy to fix these problems! Simply remove the offending extension or App.
See the video to discover the steps to fix your Chromebook!
Part two:
Here is a big thank you to J. Fitzpatrick for discovering my mistake. I meant to say, /”Read-only/” when I said /”Write-Only/” Thank you J. Fitzpatrick for pointing that out.
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