Boost Your Productivity with Outlook Tips

Boost Your Productivity with Outlook Tips

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It’s assumed everyone “knows how to use email” these days and rarely does anyone ever take the time to share simple tips and tricks that make a big difference.

If you use Outlook, you know what a pain point managing your inbox, finding emails, scheduling meetings, and organizing your calendar can be. When you know how to use the features of Outlook to their full potential it calms the chaos and brings peace to your workday.

Written Blog
Stop Internally Emailing Blog –

Check out the Internal Communication Guidebook we mentioned:

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See you on the next video!

0:23 Tip #1 Color Coding Calendar
1:40 Choose your Categories
2:20 Pro Tip
3:00 How Calendars Affect Productivity
3:11 Tip #2 File Emails By Project
4:46 Tip #3 Avoid Emails to Schedule Meetings
5:30 Calendly
7:00 Tip #4 Set Your Out of Office
8:18 Pro Tip
9:05 Tip #5 Edit Your Signature
10:30 Pro Tip
11:00 One Last Tip

#projectmanagement #o365 #microsoftoutlook #productivity #modernworkplace

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