Beginners Pgp Encryption / How to use GPG Pretty Good Privacy

Beginners Pgp Encryption / How to use GPG Pretty Good Privacy

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Channel Avatar Good and Geeky2013-07-06 08:12:31 Thumbnail
Get the Book – There is a free PGP Cheatsheet on the page too.


How to set up Services on your Mac so that you can use GPG from a right click on selected text
Watch this tutorial.

In these days of PRISM and governments being found out for going through all of your emails and collecting all that data it is surely a good idea to encrypt your emails. Personally, very few of my emails contain any sensitive information, but I still don’t see why the government’s of the world should be able to read my mail.

There is paid software that you can get for Pretty Good Privacy, but there is also a free version that you can use called OpenPGP or GPG. In this video I show you how to get started with OpenPGP. How to create a key pair in GPG to put into your GPG tools Keychain access application. In other videos I will be shown you how to use the public and private key so that you can encrypt your email that you sent to your family and friends and business colleagues.

You should remember that anything that you put onto the Internet is public and not private. For example I needed to send my birth certificate by email and I didn’t want that to be in the public domain so I encrypt did the email I used to send that image. It is also possible to encrypt the file and to attach a file like that to the email that you send.

These are bite sized videos showing you how to do specific tasks in OpenPGP. The videos are intended for beginners PGP encryption.


Here is my public key = send me an email and I will send you an encrypted email in return.

Or go to

select and copy the public key text – Then add to your GPG Keyring

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