Apple Iphone ios7 phone not ringing missed calls, calls going to voicemail Iphone 4 4s 5 5c 5s

Apple Iphone ios7 phone not ringing missed calls, calls going to voicemail Iphone 4 4s 5 5c 5s

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How to fix your iphone if it is not ringing when someone calls, going immediately to voicemail or showing missed call even though your volume is on. If all of a sudden you are missing calls, Calls are going straight to voicemail or phone is not ringing, then you may have Do Not Disturb on. You can tell if Do Not Disturb is on by a half moon icon at the top right corner. To turn it off go to Settings then Do Not Disturb, Then turn Manual to OFF.

Another way is to swipe up from the home screen and press on the moon icon.

Hope this helped you resolve your issues. Below are some scenarios that this can cover.

A lot of the symptoms are that the iPhone does not ring or not receiving calls. People may tell you that calls are going straight to voicemail when they call you and you are not getting alerted of the call but it shows in your call logs.

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