A game is currently running. Error/Launch/Open in GTA5 problem fix Steam and Rockstar Games Launcher

A game is currently running. Error/Launch/Open in GTA5 problem fix Steam and Rockstar Games Launcher

HomeOther ContentA game is currently running. Error/Launch/Open in GTA5 problem fix Steam and Rockstar Games Launcher
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An instance of Grand Theft Auto V is already running. Please allow the game to fully exit before attempting to play again. if you believe you are seeing this message in error, please check the task manager for any running instances of the game or try rebooting your computer. if you continue to see this message. please contact support.rockstargames.com for more information.

How to create DIsk Partition? – https://youtu.be/hFLu8CGzlYo?si=chigKAboKp1yzI9Z

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