7 EASY tips to get GREAT MOON photography EVEN IF you’re a beginner!

7 EASY tips to get GREAT MOON photography EVEN IF you’re a beginner!

HomeOther Content7 EASY tips to get GREAT MOON photography EVEN IF you’re a beginner!
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Channel Avatar Serge Ramelli Photography2020-05-19 13:00:28 Thumbnail
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1. Get a good tripod and a remote or use self-timer
2. Use https://app.photoephemeris.com/?ll=34.121430,-118.312666&dt=20200507143800-0700 for planning your shot at home
3. Use Photo Pills once you are on Site to make sure the moon aligns https://www.photopills.com/
4. Shoot over 200 mm minimum Lens.
5. Manual Focus and zoom to make sure you are sharp
6. At Night expose for the moon or do an HDR
7. At Night manual expose and zo m in to make sure it is sharp!


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