7 Best LAN Messenger apps for Windows 10 in 2022

7 Best LAN Messenger apps for Windows 10 in 2022

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What is the best LAN messenger application for an office communication?
Our short video guide has most popular apps for chats.
1. Softros LAN messenger https://messenger.softros.com

2. BeeBeep messenger https://www.download.io/portable-beebeep-download-windows.html

3. Qualia messaging app https://download.zone/lan-messenger/

4. BigAnt messenger https://download.cnet.com/Big-Ant-corporate-Lan-Messenger/3000-2150_4-10907306.html

5. LANtalk XP https://www.downloadsource.net/1791/lantalk-xp/

6. Output messenger https://www.download.io/output-messenger-download-windows.html

7. Winpopup LAN messenger https://www.downloadsource.net/1801/winpopup-lan-messenger/

What are LAN messengers?

Since the early days of local network chatting, you installed the application, entered your username and immediately saw your colleagues on the corporate network.

Today, local messengers continue to work this way. Local messaging apps are beneficial for all users who do not want to disclose their correspondence to outsiders or want to avoid intermediaries in the form of servers of online services such as Viber, Facebook, Skype, etc. In this case, the employees of your office want to communicate and solve work tasks in internat chat.

WhatsApp and numerous functionally equivalent alternatives work only if you enter your cell phone number and are permanently connected to the Internet via your computer while using chat. One of the advantages of LAN messenger is that once installed, you immediately see all the contacts who are also using the app. Thanks to the LAN connection, you can also always see the current or last message or file you exchanged with your contact on each device. No permanent Internet connection is required and you are no longer dependent on it.

By the way, you don’t have to be online to exchange text messages over LAN messenger. If you write a message to a friend who is offline, he will receive it as soon as he logs back in. In many cases, they will be informed by a popup message on their computer or tablet that a new message has been received.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQdVo5wvikU

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