4 Ways to Split Cells in Microsoft Excel

4 Ways to Split Cells in Microsoft Excel

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In this video tutorial, I will show you how to split cells in Microsoft Excel using four different methods like Flash Fill, Text to Columns &, Formulas with Functions (LEFT, RIGHT, SEARCH, LEN), and Power Query. So when you need to split or divide cells in Microsoft Excel consider one of these methods.

Practice Sheet: https://leveragingdigitalinc-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/jamie_leveragingdigital_com/EajuvC9QWE5LvMq3EGcXcM0BysZsU4RPhgCFHoOFlYhWSA?e=0KPovs

My Microsoft Excel Playlists
Beginner Microsoft Excel Tutorials: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmkaw6oRnRv8lAKbKbflJRqS-9wuYNWUw
How to use functions and formulas in Excel: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmkaw6oRnRv_GeQNcc_hHtnxbRC7gDLST

0:00 Introduction
1:28 Using Flash Fill in excel to split cells
3:17 Text to Columns to divide cells in Excel
4:51 Building a formula with functions to split cells in Microsoft Excel
11:17 Using Power Query to split cells

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